This position is not currently open.

Average Annual Salary: $90,408

This is the average annual salary not the base pay featured in the job opportunity announcement. All calculations include CIVMAR total take-home pay (including overtime, penalty, etc.).


The Damage Controlman is a Civil Service Mariner (CIVMAR) employed by the Navy to serve the Military Sealift Command (MSC) onboard naval auxiliaries and hybrid-maned warships worldwide, in peace and war. MSC exists to support the joint warfighter across the full spectrum of military operations. MSC provides on time logistics, strategic sealift, as well as specialized missions anywhere in the world, in contested or uncontested environments.

Damage Controlman (DCM) conducts training based upon MSC and USCG training requirements, ship drills, ship inspections and/or casualty investigations for the MSC civil service marine workforce. DCM may be assigned to a MSC training center, field site, or on an Afloat Training Team. Duties include, but are not limited to, conducting training and/or ship drills; conducting ship inspections and casualty investigations; developing/revising training coursed, lesson plans, student/instructor guides, and other training material; writing instructional, investigation and/or inspection reports with recommendations; providing technical advice on damage control issues; and/or maintaining and repairing school facilities and equipment as necessary. DCM will report to a Damage Control Leader. Candidates selected required to sail 30-45 days on an annual basis during high relief request seasons and mission contingencies. When assigned to a ship, DCM will come under the administrative supervision of the ship's Master.

Masters and Department heads may add to these duties to clarify specific shipboard tasks.

Everything in this Position Description is considered to be an essential function of this position. Performs other duties as assigned.


Minimum Eligibility Requirements: Must be a United States citizen of at least 18 years of age and possess and maintain:

  1. U.S. Passport with a minimum of seven months of expiration date.
  2. Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) and/or Department of Defense (DOD) Common Access Card (CAC) with a minimum of ten (10) months remaining of expiration.
  3. United States Coast Guard (USCG) Merchant Mariner’s Credential (MMC), with a minimum of ten months remaining of expiration date.

• Third Mate (Any Gross Tons Upon Oceans) or higher; or Third Assistant Engineer(Steam, Motor or Gas Turbine vessels of Any Horse power)or higher and the respective STCW Certification;

• Applicants with an Engineer’s License must also possess a universal EPA Ozone Depleting Substances certification.

• Applicants with a Deck license must also possess a current Radar Observe endorsement

• Federal Communications Commission GMDSS Radio Operator’s License/Certificate.


• Previous military experience (pay grade E-5 or above) or equivalent federal/civilian experience in at least one of the following documented skill sets: Small Arms Instructor, Shipboard Damage Control, Towing and Salvage, Operations Specialist, Ammunition Management, or Shipboard Aviation.


• Certified Search and Rescue Swimmer.