This position is not currently open.

Average Annual Salary: $134,683

This is the average annual salary not the base pay featured in the job opportunity announcement. All calculations include CIVMAR total take-home pay (including overtime, penalty, etc.).



The Junior Supply Officer (JSO) is a Civil Service Mariner (CIVMAR) employed by the Navy to serve the Military Sealift Command (MSC) onboard naval auxiliaries and hybrid-manned warships worldwide, in peace and war. MSC exists to support the joint warfighter across the full spectrum of military operations. MSC provides on-time logistics, strategic sealift, as well as specialized missions anywhere in the world, in contested or uncontested environments.

The JSO assists the Supply Officer in executing daily supply operations onboard all MSC GOGO Combat Logistics Force (CLF) ships, hybrid-crewed U.S Navy submarine tenders and one hybrid-crewed U.S. Navy command ship. The JSO executes daily supply operations onboard all other MSC GOGO and U.S. Navy hybrid ships.

The Junior Supply Officer reports directly to the Supply Officer, or as applicable, the Master/CIVMAR OIC or Commanding Officer.

Incumbent is expected to comply and be familiar and up to date with all Supply/Logistics operation instructions, policies, procedures, regulations and TYCOM directives, etc. Is responsible and accountable for the proper performance and administration of all supply department functions onboard ship, including the submission of accurate and timely reporting.

The Junior Supply Officer is responsible for all actions required in the Supply Officer Turnover letter.

The Junior Supply Officer is knowledgeable in administration, a variety of automated systems and websites, communication, configuration and logistics data management, department head responsibilities and personnel management, financial management, and oversight of food service and Exchange Location Operation (XLO) programs. The Junior Supply Officer is knowledgeable in large scale CLF load management Logistics Concept of Operations (CONOPS) and fleet operating procedures worldwide. The Junior Supply Officer is responsible for the management of the following: Hazardous Material (HAZMAT) program, port visits, supply support requirements for ship’s operation, repair, support, and port visit execution, and other duties, as assigned.

The Junior Supply Officer is responsible for communicating effectively with all levels of civilian and military management personnel afloat and ashore on a variety of Supply/Logistics related issues and personnel issues.

Duties are inclusive of the following:

Administration Monitors and maintains legacy and current files, records, directives, SOPs, correspondence, and reports for all types of material. Ensures all applicable files for requisitioning, purchase, receipt, stowage, and disposition are properly maintained.

Automated Systems Responsible for gaining or ensuring access, proper use, training, and administration of supply automated programs. Ability to read, understand, and process all daily (automated) reports produced by ShipCLIP.

Systems include, but are not limited to, Combat Logistics Force (CLF) Module, Department Head Afloat Management System (DHAMS), Electronic Retrograde Management System/Navy In-transit Accountability (eRMS/NITA), Fed Mall, Food Service Management (FSM), FORMS, GSA Advantage, Hazardous Materials Information Resource System (HMIRS), Hazardous Inventory Control System – Windows Based (HICSWIN), NAVSUP’s Husbanding Support Portal (HSPortal), Integrated Supply Information System (ISIS), Navy Logistics Library (NLL), LogiQuest database, OneTouch, Relational-Supply (R-Supply) (limited use on AS class), Shipboard Automated Maintenance Management (SAMM) system, and Shipboard Configuration and Logistics Information Program (ShipCLIP 4.3 or later).

Communication The Junior Supply Officer is responsible for communicating effectively, both orally and in writing, with all levels of civilian and military management personnel afloat and ashore on a variety of Supply/Logistics related issues and personnel issues. Must be prepared and able to brief shipboard management team and Type Commander on supply related issues. Responsible for contact with Combat Logistics Officer (CLO) networks at CTF-33/53/63/73/83 and MSC’s N46 Global Stock Control (GSC) network.

Configuration and Logistics Data Management Knowledgeable of configuration accounting and logistics data management processes. Conducts configuration validations, processes and updates Allowance Change Requests (ACRs), Fleet COSAL Feedback Reports (FCFBRs), and Configuration Change Reports (CCRs); and conducts ShipCLIP training. Monitors supply effectiveness and takes actions to investigate non-supported and poorly supported equipment ensuring that additions, deletions, and modifications of equipment are properly documented and reported. Identifies and maintains reporting on all known equipment defects and/or peculiarities under the Supply Department’s cognizance. Ensures that logistical support, including repair parts, tools, test equipment and technical manuals are obtained for all new or modified equipment or equipment obtained through micro purchases. During overhauls, with an onsite logistics representative, coordinates with Logistics Type Desk/Services’ Contractor to ensure that ship configuration logistics support is obtained for all newly installed or modified equipment prior to end of overhaul. Gains access to Shipboard Automated Maintenance (SAMM) system to review Voyage Repair Requests (VRRs).

Onboard CLF ships validates that Shipboard Configuration and Logistics Information Program (ShipCLIP) and CLF Module Administration and User Guides are available. Validates that ShipCLIP CLF Module Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is readily available, CARGO commodity Basic Material File daily saves are stored on application, and database server recent hardback copy of CARGO inventory is available. Maintains administrative rights for ShipCLIP access.

Department Head and Personnel Management Where applicable or assigned, the Junior Supply Officer assigns, oversees, supervises, and monitors the day to day supply operations of all other supply personnel. Coordinates and delegates the Food Service functions to the Chief Steward/Steward Cook. Ensures supply personnel are properly trained to perform duties assigned, clean and neat in appearance, attentive and polite in the performance of their duties, and that Food Service prescribed work clothes are worn while on duty.

As Department Head, responsible for initiating training, cross-training, and effective use of Supply Personnel. Must have a thorough knowledge of Civilian Marine Personnel Instructions (CMPI), Department Head Afloat Management System (DHAMS), EEO instructions, and payroll guidelines. Prepares and submits Mariner Advancement Program (MAP) evaluations and/or recommendations regarding assignments and promotions of Supply Department personnel to the Supply Officer/Master/OIC, as required. Participates in the incentive awards program recognizing outstanding department personnel. Counsels all personnel assigned on advancement opportunities or notices to improve. Institutes proper measures to minimize breaches of discipline and initiates and/or recommends disciplinary action after investigation. Manages supply department time sheets and overtime assignments.

Responsible for supply spaces key control program and safeguarding of safe combinations, passwords, and access codes.

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Ensures continuing application of and compliance with EEO laws, regulations, and policies. Carries out EEO policies and communicates support of these policies to subordinates.

Financial Management Ensures monthly Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness (FIAR) inventories (NWCF/DWCF Commodities) are being conducted using Global Stock Control (GSC) guidance, submitted to GSC or other applicable entities, and audit file retained onboard. Ensures all GSC correspondence files containing most up to date CLF Flashes, external memos, and other GSC guidance are onboard.

Onboard CLF ships, maintain custody of CARGO [Defense Working Capital Fund (DWCF)] Fuel accounts and monthly inventory reconciliation. Maintains automated fuels management records and reporting systems in accordance with (IAW) Type Commander (TYCOM) directives to ensure proper accountability and control of Navy owned bulks fuels carried onboard MSC vessels. Conducts physical inventory of all CARGO (DWCF) fuel tanks, matches CLF Module inventory, and reconciles all differences and posts to appropriate records. Establishes and maintains CLF fund codes and end-use fund codes. Manages ship’s OPTAR and ensures that all grants, budgets, transmittals, and reports are properly maintained and reported to higher authority as required by MSC. Ability to maintain expenditure log for Aviation Depot Level Repairables (AV-DLRs). Knowledge of and maintains helicopter detachment’s OPTAR to include all requisitions, receipts, adjustments, cancellations, and EOM reporting. Responsible for proper financial management of Government Commercial Purchase Cards (GCPC) procurement.

Where applicable or assigned, the Junior Supply Officer manages the material support operations to include procurement, receipt, storage, Quality Assurance (QA), and expenditure procedures for all types of material (BP-28 Material, AV-DLR, End-Use, Aviation Pack-Up kits, Sensitive Items, Mail, Fleet Freight, Personal Effects, and Classified Material). This includes proper material identification, handling, inventory management, expenditures, surveys, warehousing, packaging, documentation and transportation.

Procures all shipboard requirements using Government/Commercial sources, Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Disposition Services, Reusable Residual Asset Management System (RRAMS), and all DOD, DLA, and GSA agencies. Ensures proper material identification for both Government and commercial items using management data lists, allowance lists, load lists, technical manuals, parts list, Navy Logistics Library (NLL), Master index of APLs/AELs (MIAPL), LogiQuest, and commercial off the shelf technical research systems. Sets schedules, conducts inventories, location audits, and maintains inventory stocking levels IAW COMSCINST 4000.2 (series), Quality Management System (QMS) Instructions and other supply instructions (NAVSUP P-485).

Ability to maintain prescribed endurance levels for all types of shipboard inventory requirements. Ensures all prescribed inventories are conducted and properly posted to corresponding records. Takes all measures to meet MSC inventory effectiveness goals.

Knowledge of and ability to ensure that fleet cargo, mail, fuel, freight, personal effects, and unaccompanied baggage are properly received, distributed, documented, transported, and accounted for in accordance with DON and MSC directives.

Food Service and Exchange Location Operations (XLO) Oversees and monitors inventory and accountability for the ship’s Food Service and Exchange Location Operations/Ship’s Store Programs (where applicable) IAW COMSCINST 4000.2 (Series). Ensures Food Service sanitation program is in effect and that food preparation equipment and spaces meet cleanliness standards required by DON/MSC instructions. Ensures adequate stocks of provisions are on hand to meet ship’s operating and endurance requirements. Ensures the Food Service division maintains the Healthy Heart menu and submits required documentation. Knowledge of NAVSUP form 338 to monitor the financial status of the General Mess. Ability and knowledge to provide guidance to Chief Steward, as required. Knowledge of and ability to oversee the Exchange Location Operation (XLO) and review returns, inventory, reports, and cash sales.

Hazardous Material (HAZMAT) As the Hazardous Material (HAZMAT) Coordinator, manages the ship's HAZMAT program in accordance with DON, MSC instructions and utilizes Hazardous Materials Information Resource System (HMIRS) (where applicable). Gains access and uses Hazardous Inventory Control System-Windows Based (HICSWIN) to research HAZMAT items and obtain Safety Data Sheets (SDS). Provides training for shipboard personnel in proper use, handling, stowage, cleanup, and offload of HAZMAT. Maintains inventory reports for all-shipboard hazardous materials, receipts, issues, and stowage. Documents and turns in all excess HAZMAT and any hazardous waste. Submits new requirements to be added to MSC Authorized Use Listing (AUL), as required. Ensures HAZMAT inventory is submitted to MSC N41 HAZMAT Coordinator annually by June 30.

Port Visit support/execution The Junior Supply Officer is responsible for reviewing scheduled operational events in accordance with (IAW) the Operations Schedule (OPSKED) and is responsible for knowing fleet operating procedures worldwide.

Regularly reviews operational schedules and establishes contact with applicable points of contact and system accesses are obtained to ensure all requirements are submitted for ship’s operations, repair, support, and port visit execution. Ensures a Department Accountable Official (DAO) training and appointments are completed for Junior Supply Officer and another accountable person. Some Husbanding Support Provider (HSP) document examples are the Global Logistics Requirement (LOGREQ) requests, DD 250 (Material Inspection and Receiving Report), Port Visit Checklist, and Daily Reconciliation reports. Samples of all of these are available on NAVSUP’s HSPortal.

Everything in this Position Description is considered to be an essential function of this position.

Performs other duties as assigned.


Minimum Eligibility Requirements: Must be a United States citizen of at least 18 years of age and possess and maintain a valid:

  1. U.S. Passport with a minimum of seven (7) months remaining of expiration date.

  2. Transportation Workers Identification Card and/or Department of defense (DOD) Common Access Card (CAC) with a minimum of ten (10) months remaining from expiration date.

  3. United States Coast Guard (USCG) Merchant Mariner’s Credential (MMC), with a minimum of ten (10) months remaining of expiration date with the following endorsement(s): Steward Department (FH), Ordinary Seaman, and Wiper**.**


  1. Must have 2 years of cumulative service as a permanent CIVMAR Yeoman Storekeeper and/or Temporary Junior Supply Officer experience and must have been aboard at least two different ship class types (T-ATF, T-AO, T-AKE, T-AOE, T-AE, T-AH, T-ARC, AS, LCC, T-AGM, T-ARS, T-EPF, T-ESB or AFSB(I)). “This could include sailing as an YNSK (AMMO) as well.


  1. Documented experience within the past five years from closing date of this announcement as a U.S. Navy Supply Corps Officer (Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) or above) or Logistics Specialist (LS)/Storekeeper (SK) (E7 or above) with at least one afloat tour of 18 months or longer.


  1. Degree completion of course work related to International Business and Logistics, Global Supply Chain Management, International Maritime Business, Maritime Administration, International Transportation, Trade and Management, Global Studies and Maritime Affairs, or Logistics and Intermodal Transportation.

(*) Documented Experience must be on official letter head, form, or evaluation from current or previous employer that describes experience related to these duties. Document must include agency name, applicant’s name, and name with signature of company/agency official.